Victor's mother, Adela Olafsson, at Hällekårret in Sweden. The girl by the cow is Margaret “Peggy” Carlson, Adela’s granddaughter and the daughter of Alida Olofssdotter Schevenius/Carlson. Hällekårret was the farm they moved to after leaving Häljebo.

The handwriting is Victor’s.

Adela Olafsson in a field with a cow and a girl at Hallekarre in Sweden

According to Peggy Holway, Hällekårret was in the country, about five minutes from the nearest neighbor and from the road which ran between Kville in the north and Hamburgsund in the south. There were fir, pine, and birch woods all around, and they cooked and heated with wood they cut on the farm. The farm was up high so that they had quite a view of the neighbors’ houses, of the school and the church, Kville Kyrka, in Kville about a half hour journey away, and of the mountains and high hills of that region.

We’ve not found a place with that name on modern maps. The farm probably was abandoned and the place name disappeared. However, I stumbled on the name in a website for historical maps. The map here is pieced together from the map of the locality right around Hällekårret and the neighborhoods next to it. Hällekårret is encircled by a red ring. The location of this high-resolution map can be found on a regional, topographic map from the names of places on both: Lilla Jore, Nyhagen, Slottsberget, Bredberg, and Bergegården.

Here is a regional, topographic map published by Lantmäteriets showing Kville, Hamburgsund, and places between.

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