This page contains photos of Morgan Alexander Holm, his mother CJ, and his grandparents Gail and Al to preserve some memories of Morgan’s early weeks. Some were taken while still at Mt. Sinai West Hospital in Manhattan and some back home in the Kensington district of Brooklyn.

There are eleven photos on this page.

CJ is in her hospital bed with Morgan sleeping on her chest.

Morgan’s face is visible; his body wrapped in a blanket with stripes.

Morgan’s eyes are open and looking toward the camera

The facade of Mt. Sinai West Hospital seen from across the street

In the hospital room, Albert Holm is holding Morgan while Gail looks on

In the hopital room, Gail and Morgan look toward the camera

Two baby feet are seen

Grandpa Albertt Holm cuddles Morgan by the apartment’s window

CJ holds Morgan in her lap and looks at him

CJ has Morgan in a plum-colored carrier Morgan is lying on his back with his eyes open
CJ is pushing Morgan’s stroller on a sidewalk with Morgan
               in the stroller and Gail is walking beside

Page prepared by Albert Holm, 27 September 2023.

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